Thursday, March 1, 2012

Grumpy Snowmen, Odds and Ends

This morning on the way to work I heard a story on NPR about a game called Grumpy Snowmen. It's an "Angry Birds" type game that allows you, Sparty, to go around blowing up snowmen wearing other Big Ten opposition scarfs with footballs, etc. It's free, developed by MSU Gaming, Entertainment and Learning(GEL) Lab and can be downloaded to your Jobs device, played in a browser and can be downloaded to your Windows or Mac machine.

No word on an Android version, Oatmeal Holy War Cellphone Drop goes here.

The Dancing Bear takes on a Million Candy Stripers.

This was a bit like the How Many Five Year Olds Can You Take in a Fight quiz? (Hint: The number goes way up if you are willing to use one as a weapon.) Except they aren't five year olds, they are massive young men who have done a phenomenal job protecting their home court. It's hard to think from the outset of this season that any State fan could possibly have been disappointed with the idea of only needing a win on Sunday to claim the Big Ten title outright, yet I was a little bit. Also, Tom Crean looks a bit like Tom Arnold and despite being an Izzo disiciple, no one like losing to Tom Arnold at anything.

Mish Mash

Green Thoughts asks Why Draymond Green Isn't In National POY Consideration? Trenton Robinson had a good combine, Jerel Worthy did not do as well. Future MSU player, Gary Harris hit a buzzer-beater on Tuesday night as the Spartans were losing in Bloomington.

Blog will be back in full swing sometime next week, and thensome. Download that game, you get to be Sparty, even if you're not between 5'10" and 6'2".

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