Wednesday, November 23, 2011

An MSU Related Thanksgiving

I sat down to write up this post about how we should all be thankful for Michigan State sports being successful this year. MSU Basketball and more importantly Tom Izzo Basketball feels back. MSU hockey looks rejuvenated after a long period of mediocrity, the Women's hoops team won a Big Ten title last year. MSU football will be playing for the Big Ten title with the toughest road schedule I can remember. Even with all that, it doesn't feel right.

For me, each football Saturday is a bit of a thanksgiving. Both in a manner of speaking and in actual damn speaking. Family? Check. Football? Check. Feasting? Check. Boozeahol? Check. Napping? Sometimes. The only thing that's missing is a turkey and in 2010 we even had that. BTW, deep-fried turkey on a gameday is pretty much as good as it gets.  

I think back on what makes going to these games fun for me. Nine times out of ten, it's the people I'm going with and not the games themselves. This isn't to downplay the joy of going to the game, but what I remember about taking my oldest daughter to her first game was that she slept through most of her first game against Iowa in 2008, but jumped to life like we all did when MSU stopped Shonn Greene on 4th and 2. I remember jumping up and down and hugging everyone we came with when Keith Nichol caught that Hail Mary last year or how my wife had contractions right after Little Giants and the very personable and drunk student sitting next to us would have run with my pregnant wife on his back to the hospital if I had only asked.(They were warm-up contractions for a few weeks later.) The joy of watching a game with a sleeping kid during an away game. Tailgating before the game, our friends know where to find us even if we haven't seen them in a few years.

So, while I'm grateful at being a part of the MSU sports heyday going on right now. That would be like being thankful for the icing on the cake. What makes the cake is sharing all of these things with the people that matter. Enjoy your thanksgiving, wherever you are and whoever you're with.

Happy Thanksgiving!

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